Submit a RAID

* 1 device per job record - please submit multiple jobs if you have more than one device for recovery

* indicates a required field that must be filled in.

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1Your contact details


2Data Recovery Details

Describe the problem you are having in as much detail as possible:

What is the problem with your RAID array or NAS Unit? What happens when you try to use it now? If somebody else has examined it for you, what did they suspect the problem was?*

We require a list of critical files to determine if the data recovery work we complete for you is deemed successful.What are the most important folders, files or types of files. Please provide as much detail as possible to help us ensure your most important files are recovered successfully.*

What attempts have you or anybody else made to recover the data so far? Have any hard drives been removed, or replaced? Have you performed any rebuild, repair or reformat? The more information you can give us regarding any previous attempts to recover any data before we help you will be very useful for us to know.*


3Which Service would you like?

An obligation free quote provided in 2-5 days on average

An upfront, non-refundable fee for an urgent evaluation and quote within 2 days.

If you approve the quote, this $500 will be deducted off the quoted price. If you do not approve the quote, this amount is NOT refundable.


4How would you like your data back? (the cost of an external hard drive is in addition to the cost of our data recovery service.)

Free option:

Please send this device to us with your device at the same time to avoid any delays in getting your data copied.
Note: We DO NOT accept USB flash drives / Pen drives for recovered data.

We sell external hard disk drives with a 2 year data recovery protection plan included, provided by Seagate:

Important: For all brands and sizes of hard drives we sell, There is no protection or warranty cover for data loss/data recovery costs. Always backup the data we provide you within 2 days of receiving it from us to avoid future data loss from any data storage device we provide. All prices advertised include GST.

Would you like to purchase a second disk of the same kind so you will be provided with 2 copies of your data?


5Additional information

Need the faulty drives back? 

Do you require your faulty/damaged drives returned to you after the data is recovered? If you select No, we can provide a free secure hard drive and SSD data destruction and recycling service after your data has been recovered. Select Yes only if your device is under warranty and you would like to claim a warranty replacement after the data recovery work is completed or if you would like it back for any other reason.

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